Who Can Join?

Regardless of the Era, Unit, or Rank –

It’s having worn the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor. The League is Open to All Honorably Discharged Marines, FMF Corpsmen, and FMF Chaplains, Regardless of National Origin, Race, or Sex.
A Marine may leave the Corps…but the Corps will NEVER leave the Marine!
Once a Marine, always a Marine.

Associate Member:
Open to all supporters of the Marines, FMF Nacy Corpsmen, and FMF Navy Chaplains.
To become an Associate Member, you must support the aims and ideals of the Marine Corps League. Active Associate Members help the Detachment when they serve on committees, programs, and events, and hold appointed offices.  Associate Members are not permitted to hold an elective office, or to vote on Marine Corps League policy, a membership application, or an election of officers. Dues for Associate Members are the same as that of a Regular Member.

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We Want You!

Why Should I Join The Marine Corps League

The most important benefits are those that occur at the Detachment level;
Association with Marines from all eras and various units;
Opportunity to contribute and support detachment programs;
Opportunity to work with Marines to achieve worthwhile objectives;
Opportunity to support Marines, FMF Corpsmen, FMF Chaplains and their families;
The reward of personal and Detachment accomplishment and achievement.